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Military Relationships

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Rookie Scribe
I'm currently engaged to a military man who is currently going through is tech school to learn his job. We have not seen each other since the beginning of December. and won't see each other until Easter. Someone please tell me that I am not the only one that feels lost without seeing him, that even though when i do get to see him, the no PDA will be ok, that it will be well worth the wait....People always say that Long Distance relationships never work out, but they are full of it. He and i have been together for more than 3 years now going on forever. im just sinking in deep water here....
Active Ink Slinger
Hang in there beauty, it's tough sledding but worth it in the end!
Rookie Scribe
I married my husband last year, he got accepted into the military at the end of the year and began his basic training about 2 months ago.
At first I felt lost without him, but I've slowly got used to it - keeping myself busy is the key, plus we can text and naughty FaceTime regularly.. Counting down the days till I can see him again smile
My fiance and I started dating 2 1/2 months before I deployed to Afghanistan in 2013. We made it through the deployment and moved in together 10 months after I got back. We've been together ever since and I've had to leave and come back many times. Currently I'm on the opposite side of the country from her for an extended training period. We make it work by maintaining constant communication as regularly as possible. We're open with each other about our feelings, even when they hurt the others, and we never end the conversation without telling each other, " I love you." Once we get married the military has a lot more programs available to help us that are only offer to married couples, ie base housing or BAH. Stick with him, be loyal, don't let jody get the best of you and do what you can to support him. I promise you he's missing you like crazy and counting the days until he gets to hold you again.
Active Ink Slinger
What I'm going to tell you is not for everyone and there is no place for jealously. I can say it worked for us. I read your profile and picked up that you may be adventurous.

Brandie and I were married just before I went into the Air Force. We were separated for just a few weeks in the beginning. We were together during my flight training. She was with me at my first duty station in West Texas. We had short times apart like a few days to a week while I was away on missions. When I went to the Philippines she was able to join me about a month later. Then we went back to West Texas. From there I was offered a position in the reserves which I took. This allowed us to return home to New Orleans and stay in the AF. While in the reserves I was deployed 3 times for extended periods of time. I was also away for many missions from a few days to a few weeks and a couple times for a few months. I was in the Air Force from 1979 to 2006. I still fly part time but miss the AF.

When I got out of the regular AF I took a job that had me away from home from overnight to a week at a time on a regular bases. The company supplied us a decent hotel or motel room. Quite often Brandie could travel with me or meet me later. Most of the time I was with in 200 miles of home.

While at our first duty station, but home on leave, I found out she had hid from me a very wild side of her life. I was very angry, but extremely turned on at the same time. I started to leave her but did not. I loved her very much and our sex life was and still is great. Shortly after we returned from leave I became her Dom and she my sex slave. It was then that I started sharing her with other men and women.

NOTE: 1. She was in a bad accident at the age of 12 and lost her uterus, therefore she could not get pregnant.
2. The sharing and BDSM lifestyle was something we both were interested in. She was not forced into either. We tried it, liked it, and that has been a big part of our life for over 36 years. We have been married over 37 years.

The first guy I shared her with is my best friend that I met in flight training. He is still one of her regular lovers and his wife is one of mine. The 4 of us are cofounders of a private swing group of 17 members. Five couples, 2 single women and 5 single men.

Like I said in the beginning this is not for everyone. There are a lot of issues that need to be looked at before stepping into a genre/s of the lifestyle. Some but not all include, Religious beliefs, jealously, trust, pregnancy, others opinions if you choose this route and they find out.

Any job, and they are many, that requires the partners to be forced to live a long distance marriage or relationship adds a whole new level of challenges to a relationship that statistically, at least these days, only has about a 50/50 chance at surviving any way.

At least if what I have talked about is not an option there are better ways to cope with the separation. The internet has brought new tools to help with communication. Skyping or other visual and audio programs will allow a couple to have a date where a level of mutual sexual satisfaction can occur.

The strongest advice I can give to any one dealing with couple issues is:
1. Open and honest communication.
2. Be adventurous and search for and try new thing to keep things exciting. Even if there is no one else involved and it is just the 2 of you.

Patience and understanding. Trust. Build that up, in the Marines, he's going away. For months at a time. I remember seeing women there to meet their men as they returned from Iraq. Several of these ladies had been going the clubs on base nightly picking up guys. I knew a guy that as soon as we were home, his wife was there, kissed love, all that, Then when he walked into their house, it was empty. Said she wanted a divorce. Be loyal to the man. These guys go so deep in harms way. They see their best friends die horribly just inches away. They don't deserve that kind of shit when they return home. These relationships can form such a strong bond. Stick with it and you won't be sorry.