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how do you break up with someone??

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so how would you do it ??if u have met someone better than your current boyfriend.. would u tell him the truth or work on some other plan??
Active Ink Slinger
if things aren't feeling right, I always talk to the guy and let him know that I am not happy and that my happiness is important.
Advanced Wordsmith
I broke up with someone for the first time about 4-5 months ago now. For quite a long time I had known things weren't right for me but I tried to kid myself it was ok. It wasn't anything he had done I just didn't feel the same, and so it was really hard to find a way to "let him down gently". To make matters more complicated we were long-distance.
He had cottoned on to the fact I wasn't happy with the relationship and made me tell him what was going on, we chatted briefly over Skype and I explained I wasn't happy so we had a "break", then met up I think the following week. I knew I had to break up, but because I felt so bad I had tried to make it seem like I hadn't known this for definite for a while. That really didn't help things.
After all that I wish I had just been straight with him as soon as I realised, would probably have stopped a lot of hurt which I feel bad about, but I suppose we all have to start somewhere.
Active Ink Slinger
just don't do it on the phone or on the internet. THAT sucks, not to mention disrespectful for your soon-to-be ex-SO. you're gonna be hurting him/her, at least have the decency not to hide behind gadgets and stuff.
Best thing to do it face to face and be honest about it. Why stay in a relationship if not happy about it.
Active Ink Slinger
Well with Steve I was so confused and really reluctant to break it off since he was my "first". Finally we had sex for a final time….I wanted to see if we could finally "connect" in the way I wanted….but it didn't work. Then I had to talk to him and tell him I was too young and needed to date more to find myself. He understood even though he was not happy. Later we could talk. We did have a couple of times when I went over to his place because he was upset and we ended up having sex. It's hard when you've been so close to someone to just pull away. Luckily now I've introduced him to Phoebe and they are a wonderful couple and really happy. I'm so happy for both of them. If they get married then I'll be like an official match maker haha.