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Porn Star Not Allowed To Attend Prom?

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Yes I do. I also think the young woman took the high road in her comments about the whole situation. Good for her.
I was excited for the teen when i first read about this a few days ago. Totally understandable that the school would not allow. However, If i was on the distric board I would first think of a way to "use" this national spot light for a good cause... I´m not sure exactly what I would do -- a good brainstorm is in need, but its not everyday your small town gets national attention like this...

Too bad conservatism won.
I love the kid for asking her, but I don't think the school had much choice. I live in a super conservative state, and I can only imagine the kind of firestorm the principal would have to deal with if he had allowed her to attend! It reminds of that poor girl who wasn't allowed to bring her girlfriend to prom, now that was really screwed up!!
I agree but, you can see the schools point. Now the class reunion in ten years? All bets are off!
Active Ink Slinger
I disagree with any situation where somebody else is deciding what's best for me..
But it wouldn't have been. It was for a high school prom. There needs to be some decorum for that.
I read this somewhere else and I believe it was from a blogger ... "If the kid had kept his mouth shut no one would have been the wiser."

Let's keep an eye out on this ... this is the future of our country.
Active Ink Slinger
first didnt it say the kid has some mental issues...? where the fuck was his mom anyway? how the hell did this kid know 600 porn stars on twitter?

second of course the school banned her...i mean isnt that just duh? maybe they can invite her for career day too.

third...lets go back to idiot mother. she knows her kid has mental issues and yet she says that she "supports him". what a good friend! snort. well if my kid ends up on freaking cuz he asked a bunch of porn stars to prom ill smack him upside his head so hard he'll see dizzy for a week.
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by Lone_Wolf
I read this somewhere else and I believe it was from a blogger ... "If the kid had kept his mouth shut no one would have been the wiser."

Let's keep an eye out on this ... this is the future of our country.

There is no way in hell that kid would have kept his mouth shut. That would have made him King of the Prom. All the guys would have been all over him and her. The girls would have hated them and had a lousy prom.
Active Ink Slinger
Trust me, he's still King of the Prom, even without the crown!

Hopefully the party at home will help him forget he missed the prom.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think we've been fair to the young porn star.. she's only 19.. so not too far removed from high school days yet.. what she does is just employment and may not be reflective of the rest of her life.. I don't think she had any plans of throwing her date over a table and putting on a show for the class.. and lastly a lot of kids nowadays go to school with minimal clothing and with every intent of being risque and enticing.. for the close-minded and moralistic "powers that be" to arbitrarily decide that a young 19 year old girl can't attend a prom because of what she does for a living is sheer nonsense.. I'm just sayin'..
Active Ink Slinger
I am pretty torn on how I feel. I understand the schools point that it may have caused a disruption, The other guys would have been giving her so much attention it would have ruined the prom for the girls.

But on the other hand, she is just a 19yo girl who happens to perform in adult videos. That does not make her a bad person, she is not breaking any laws so she is really being discriminated against. If it was a well known star like Jenna Jameson or someone of that status, I could understand but this girl is relatively unknown and if the school didnt make a big deal about it, it could have gone by unnoticed. Afterall, there was no publicity about this until after the school said no.

I give the girl a lot of credit for taking the high road. She has shown a lot of class.

I remember about 15yrs ago, a guy in NY invited some pornstar to his prom and it went off with no issues, except for the teachers having pics taken with her, LOL.
Quote by Nikki703
I am pretty torn on how I feel. I understand the schools point that it may have caused a disruption, The other guys would have been giving her so much attention it would have ruined the prom for the girls.

But on the other hand, she is just a 19yo girl who happens to perform in adult videos. That does not make her a bad person, she is not breaking any laws so she is really being discriminated against. If it was a well known star like Jenna Jameson or someone of that status, I could understand but this girl is relatively unknown and if the school didnt make a big deal about it, it could have gone by unnoticed. Afterall, there was no publicity about this until after the school said no.

Well, and also...what if she was a friend of his? I mean, porn stars have friends too

No, what I mean is that I get the school's reasoning, and it is pretty weird that this guy sent hundreds of tweets out to find a porn star to come to his prom but if the situation was different...say she was his friend, a cousin, maybe even a date I'd hope that the school (any school, for that matter) would review the situation and their thinking along those lines.
Honestly prom is a night that everyone should experience. She didn't get it the first time and she didn't get it the second time. Honestly there should be like a prom for pornstars who didn't go the first time. Pall in all she seems like a nice girl I mean she's a porn star not a serial killer.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by beowulf69
I can't even imagine a high school letting someone bring a pornstar for a date. But hey, the guy tried. Good for him.

A Staten Island, NY high school student brought a pornstar as his date in 1999. And this woman(think she was in her 30's) looked like a pornstar. This 19yo looks like she could be a HS student.
i think she should be allowed to attend ... just because she is a porn star doesnt mean she would act like one, and I agreee the kid should have kept his big mouth shut
I don't think it matters that she's a sweet little thing that's barely in the biz. Or that he should have kept his mouth shut and no one would have been the wiser. The boy knew what he was doing. Bragged about it, how else did the school get wind of it? And the school officials had a decision to make on behalf of the whole of the school and students. Not just him because he craves attention or her because she "chose" to miss her high school prom. So she's a member of the liberated modern women of the 21st century that chooses to be in the porn industry.So? There's more going to the prom than the two of them. Isn't it called a Junior/Senior prom? Doesn't that mean that there will be people under 18 there? She could be his sister but her lifestyle is going to come up in conversation and there are probably some parents that would rather not have their children involved with that yet. If it's that big a deal or not then they could have sent home a letter and permission slip to the parents of the underage kids stating that a person of the adult film industry is going to attend and if you agree that your child can attend please sign below. Problem solved.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
I don't think it matters that she's a sweet little thing that's barely in the biz. Or that he should have kept his mouth shut and no one would have been the wiser. The boy knew what he was doing. Bragged about it, how else did the school get wind of it? And the school officials had a decision to make on behalf of the whole of the school and students. Not just him because he craves attention or her because she "chose" to miss her high school prom. So she's a member of the liberated modern women of the 21st century that chooses to be in the porn industry.So? There's more going to the prom than the two of them. Isn't it called a Junior/Senior prom? Doesn't that mean that there will be people under 18 there? She could be his sister but her lifestyle is going to come up in conversation and there are probably some parents that would rather not have their children involved with that yet. If it's that big a deal or not then they could have sent home a letter and permission slip to the parents of the underage kids stating that a person of the adult film industry is going to attend and if you agree that your child can attend please sign below. Problem solved.

Hypothetical situation. What if she was 18yo, well liked and respected and a student at the school and she came clean that she was making porn vids just before the prom? Should she be allowed to attend? Should she be expelled because she is pornstar while in HS?

I have to believe somewhere in America there is an 18yo girl in HS secretely doing adult vids and not hurting anyone.

I understand the issues that other parents may feel uncomfortable to have their kids around some one in the adult industry, but why should their opinion of her change once they found out what she does.
Because it's the nature of the beast. If they choose to bring their children up in a conservative way, that's a choice that needs to be respected. She has the right to make porn as an adult but it doesn't need to be "forced" on other people's children. Should she be asked not to attend or should the greater majority withhold their children from going to the prom? I think schools have a moral code that they follow that society agrees to and expects from the educational system for their children. Especially if it's a public school.

I have to believe somewhere in America there is an 18yo girl in HS secretely doing adult vids and not hurting anyone.

See? You and I don't know the answer to this and there's a reason for that. If she was proud of that fact we'd all know about it and accept it as no big deal. But obviously if there is a young woman doing that, it's hidden and for a reason. It's an Adult industry and I have no problem with it at all. BUT, it's not for children and others in society that choose not to be around it.

I think there's a reason they hold the porn awards in Vegas and not at Disney World.
Active Ink Slinger
High School Prom, no way! But at least the boy will now be remembered by everyone from school.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
She has the right to make porn as an adult but it doesn't need to be "forced" on other people's children.

I dont see how she is forcing porn on other peoples children by attending a prom. If a priest was there, is that forcing religon on the kids? Its not like she is filming a scene there. Just because she makes adult videos doesnt mean she will some wild out of control slut at a prom.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
I don't think it matters that she's a sweet little thing that's barely in the biz. Or that he should have kept his mouth shut and no one would have been the wiser. The boy knew what he was doing. Bragged about it, how else did the school get wind of it? And the school officials had a decision to make on behalf of the whole of the school and students. Not just him because he craves attention or her because she "chose" to miss her high school prom. So she's a member of the liberated modern women of the 21st century that chooses to be in the porn industry.So? There's more going to the prom than the two of them. Isn't it called a Junior/Senior prom? Doesn't that mean that there will be people under 18 there? She could be his sister but her lifestyle is going to come up in conversation and there are probably some parents that would rather not have their children involved with that yet. If it's that big a deal or not then they could have sent home a letter and permission slip to the parents of the underage kids stating that a person of the adult film industry is going to attend and if you agree that your child can attend please sign below. Problem solved.

Back to my original comment.. I have a problem with other people deciding what's best for me.. at one time blacks weren't allowed in schools.. there have been incidences where some people thought pregnant teenagers shouldn't be allowed to attend school.. they said gays shouldn't be allowed in school.. they can't attend prom together in most cases.. hair is too long.. dresses are too short.. religion can't be discussed.. evolution can't be discussed.. MTV videos were banned when they first came out as too sexual.. and here's the real fact.. I bet if you actually asked the students at that school if they minded her attending prom I will guarantee you that only 10% (if that) would have objected.. so let's not make this about the protection of the many.. it was the pre-determined biases of the few that caused this..
Quote by Warlock

Back to my original comment.. I have a problem with other people deciding what's best for me.. at one time blacks weren't allowed in schools.. there have been incidences where some people thought pregnant teenagers shouldn't be allowed to attend school.. they said gays shouldn't be allowed in school.. they can't attend prom together in most cases.. hair is too long.. dresses are too short.. religion can't be discussed.. evolution can't be discussed.. MTV videos were banned when they first came out as too sexual.. and here's the real fact.. I bet if you actually asked the students at that school if they minded her attending prom I will guarantee you that only 10% (if that) would have objected.. so let's not make this about the protection of the many.. it was the pre-determined biases of the few that caused this..

No it wasn't. The people that are under age will more than likely outweigh the ones over. Not counting faculty. They're not deciding what's best for you. You are a grown man for godsake. These are children. Like I said if there's enough of an upset among people attending the dance or controlling the school, let them send home permission slips for attending the prom that are underage but that's not even going to be an option. There's more to it than some boy needing attention, a porn actress needing to relive a childhood that she chose to leave behind and you. There's rules to follow and decorum to be met in a school situation. If you think she's going to go and dress up nicely and sip punch and no one is going to know she's a porn actress you're sadly mistaken or too far out of teen years to remember what happens at school dances. The point isn't that she's going to throw down and take on the males in the house. But it will be talked about and a high school prom isn't the place for that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen

No it wasn't. The people that are under age will more than likely outweigh the ones over. Not counting faculty. They're not deciding what's best for you. You are a grown man for godsake. These are children. Like I said if there's enough of an upset among people attending the dance or controlling the school, let them send home permission slips for attending the prom that are underage but that's not even going to be an option. There's more to it than some boy needing attention, a porn actress needing to relive a childhood that she chose to leave behind and you. There's rules to follow and decorum to be met in a school situation. If you think she's going to go and dress up nicely and sip punch and no one is going to know she's a porn actress you're sadly mistaken or too far out of teen years to remember what happens at school dances. The point isn't that she's going to throw down and take on the males in the house. But it will be talked about and a high school prom isn't the place for that.

Chef.. Chef.. Chef.. I was using the 'me' in a general term.. not that they would ever decide a damn thing for me.. and I would counter that instead of sending home permission slips they should send home a policy statement of fairness and equality and offer that if the parents didn't like it they should keep their children home that evening.. and of course they would talk about it.. proms are made for memories.. can you imagine the high school reunions 20 years from now and someone says.. "hey.. remember when Doofus brought the porn star to the prom?".. it beats the hell out of smoking behind the bleachers and dry humping a cheerleader on the dance floor.. if anyone thinks that bringing a beautiful, hot, sexy 19 year old date to the prom (he's 18 by the way, not a child), is more a factor than the barrage of nudie magazines, pay TV, sex and killing in the movies, and our Republican congress.. then we need to go out on a date..
Active Ink Slinger

I remember the incident you posted about Houston going to New York, but I recall another situation about the same time in California with a different Porn star as well. Don't recall all the particulars but it was a similar situation that the school and school district had nothing on the books against that sort of thing.

As for your question about if a 18 y/o student was doing porn videos before the prom, it feels similar to the Tracy Lords scandal. But even though Tracy was underage, and the prom situation you posted is different, I don't have an issue with it as it would make me a hypocrite!


Quote by Warlock

Chef.. Chef.. Chef.. I was using the 'me' in a general term.. not that they would ever decide a damn thing for me.. and I would counter that instead of sending home permission slips they should send home a policy statement of fairness and equality and offer that if the parents didn't like it they should keep their children home that evening.. and of course they would talk about it.. proms are made for memories.. can you imagine the high school reunions 20 years from now and someone says.. "hey.. remember when Doofus brought the porn star to the prom?".. it beats the hell out of smoking behind the bleachers and dry humping a cheerleader on the dance floor.. if anyone thinks that bringing a beautiful, hot, sexy 19 year old date to the prom (he's 18 by the way, not a child), is more a factor than the barrage of nudie magazines, pay TV, sex and killing in the movies, and our Republican congress.. then we need to go out on a date..

I guess you missed the point altogether then. It's not about the adults. It's about the underage kids. It's just as much their prom as the kid and his prom date. That he had to troll for. How is it fair and equal for him to bring her? Take a poll of the faculty and parents and see who would want that at their prom. So a couple of his buds would be there to stare at her and the rest of the school would stay home? Again it's about decorum and what's right for the school as a whole and how they and the community view it and it's standards.

Here maybe this will help you.
de·co·rum   [dih-kawr-uhm, -kohr-] Show IPA
dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
the quality or state of being decorous; orderliness; regularity.
Usually, decorums. an observance or requirement of polite society.
Active Ink Slinger
People decide what's best for us all the time. Especailly in schools. They decided that guns, knives, and other weapons shouldn't be brought to school. That's a good thing. Can't go to school and smoke pot or drink alcohol. Can't go to school and look at porn on the computer. Can't go to work and look at porn on the computer. Many laws and rules are over reaching and unnecessary. But some serve basic function to prevent chaos or anarchy.

I'm conflicted, it's not like the girl is going to perform a live sex act on the dance floor. I'm not sure what her age has to do with the argument either way. Would it be more or less appropriate if the porn star was 30? If so, the problem isn't with her profession but with her age.

I think I'd have to reluctantly side with the school on this one. Better to err on the side of caution.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen

I especially like number 3.. expectations of society.. the same society that allows corporate greed and corruption to devastate economies for personal gain.. the same society that allows governmental excess with oversight.. the same society that says if you don't believe in God you are going to hell.. the same society that accepted Puritanism, witch hunts, and stockades for the poor.. yet an 18 year old boy bringing a 19 year old girl to the prom is totally unacceptable.. I didn't miss the point at all.. I was merely trumpeting the ridiculousness of the situation.. these "naive innocent underage kids" that you keep referring to are exposed to erotica and porn 24 hours a day on TV.. books.. movies.. cable.. dishes.. computers.. Ipads.. internet.. and general daily socialization with more enlightened peers.. yet on this night.. prom night.. a simple date between 2 teenagers is heralded as an attempt by the spawn of Satan to deflower the youth of America.. I ask that we all rise and turn to page 143 in our hymnals.. that's what society wants..