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Who do you write like?

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Constant Gardener
I write like: Dan Brown

He then coursed through the phone book, seeking male escort services, as he sought a little something different...

(run one of your sentences or paragraphs through this little gizmo, above...and report back)
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Artistic Tart
I did this thing about a week ago- one of mine was Dan Brown, too. The other was more embarassing. I decided to quit writing as a result. There are thing I'm better at than that!
I tried it twice and got Arthur C Clarke and Anne Rice. They couldn't be more different!
Alpha Blonde
I also tried it twice and got H.G. Wells and then Stephen King...

It seems a bit random?
Advanced Wordsmith
I write like Chuck Palahniuk.
About 90% of the authors I follow on the blogosphere who took the time to try this came up with the result, Stephen King. Apparently Mel Gibson's rants are similiar in style to Margaret Atwood.
Anne Rice

Second paragraph: Vladimir Nabokov

Third: Stephenie Meyer
Constant Gardener
I heard about this on NPR here yesterday. The programmer only has 50 some odd authors in his database at present and his coding is clever. He'll tinker and tune it up, adding several other authors over time.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I tried it with a story that I wrote for lush...

1st paragraph ~ Stephen King

2nd paragraph ~ Ian Fleming

3rd paragraph ~ Stephenie Meyer (obviously I am not a twilight fan as I had to look her up )
James Joyce

James Joyce

Charles Dickens

Her Royal Spriteness
I write like
David Foster Wallace

i wish i knew who he was... i am going to have to do some research now...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wild at Heart
I put in my devil's eve story and it said I write like Bram Stoker. Hahaha yeah right...

I think it had more to do with the subject matter rather than the writing style.
Chuck Palahniuk whoever that is(wikis furiously)'s the dude who wrote Fight club...okay that's cool...
Active Ink Slinger
I write like Stephen King

Latest story:

  • TBD

  • Bump in the Night-Microfiction

  • Smoke Break-Interracial

Mine was way off, too. It said Stephen King!
Wild at Heart
Has anyone actually tried to put in some of Stephen kings writing to see if it comes up with, "you write like Stephen King."

If I wasn't at work I'd try to find some of these authors work to see if it guesses correctly.
David Foster Wallace (whoever that is)

Anne Rice

Cory Doctorow (whom I've never heard of)
Quote by Magical_felix
Has anyone actually tried to put in some of Stephen kings writing to see if it comes up with, "you write like Stephen King."

If I wasn't at work I'd try to find some of these authors work to see if it guesses correctly.

LOL. I like that thinking!

"The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years – if it ever did end – began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.

The boat bobbed, listed, righted itself again, dived bravely through treacherous whirlpools, and continued on its way down Witcham Street toward the traffic light which marked the intersection of Witcham and Jackson. The three vertical lenses on all sides of the traffic light were dark this afternoon in the fall of 1957, and the houses were all dark, too. There had been steady rain for a week now, and two days ago the winds had come as well. Most sections of Derry had lost their power then, and it was not back on yet.

A small boy in a yellow slicker and red galoshes ran cheerfully along beside the newspaper boat. The rain had not stopped, but it was finally slackening. It tapped on the yellow hood of the boy’s slicker, sounding to his ears like rain on a shed roof … a comfortable, almost cozy sound. The boy in the yellow slicker was George Denbrough. He was six. His brother William, known to most of the kids at Derry Elementary School (and even to the teachers, who would never have used the nickname to his face) as Stuttering Bill, was at home, hacking out the last of a nasty case of influenza. In that autumn of 1957, eight months before the real horrors began, and twenty-eight years before the final showdown, Stuttering Bill was ten years old."

I write like "Stephen King"

It works!
Wild at Heart
Hahaha sweet.

I really want to go dig up my copy of It now...
I would guess they have a database of all the works of each author in their system, and pattern match based on word usage.

Gav, how would you do it?
i was Cory Doctorow. dont know who he is, so i guess ill have to go do a little research.
Active Ink Slinger
My sex stories are like some person named Cory Doctorow's. But my non-sex stories come up with Ernest Hemingway. Woot.
"Don't forget your penis cream."
-Eugene Levy
Constant Gardener
Quote by nicola

LOL. I like that thinking!

"The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years – if it ever did end – began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.

It works!

You had to post his most terrifying work didn't you?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by MahlerSymphony
I write like Chuck Palahniuk.

Ditto I write like Chuck Palahniuk I will have to google this person and find out who they are
I write like...Isaac Asimov. I wish I knew he was. I'ma look him up.
Older story... Stephen King

Then a newer story... Rudyard Kipling

Last story about "Collaring my Slut" rated Dan Brown....

so should I start writing similar to his high level mystery style?

So, what do we exactly do with this profound information?
Active Ink Slinger
James Joyce. For this bit from The Married Man's Lament

We had just just heard each other's voices and turned our heads to see the source of those first attractive tones. We appraised each other, just as curious people always do when someone attracts their attention. Our eyes met. The simple message that passed between us would brighten our day and inspire us to fantasize about each other the next time we each had sex with our spouse. The message, "Yes, I would do you and yes, I see that you would do me, if only..." need never be spoken. Indeed, neither of us could dare to speak it. Speaking it would cross the line. The last part of our mutual appraisal was the noticing of the wedding rings. We both had our wallets out to pay for our morning jolt. Our symbols of bondage to others were clearly on display. The sadness in our mutual smiles said, "Yes, I am faithful to my spouse, in deed, if not in thought, and yes, it would disturb me if you made a pass at me. I would feel both complimented by the expression of desire and disgusted at the thought that you would cheat on your spouse."

and Cory Doctorow. For this bit from my as yet unpublished Immune To My Beauty

I'm certain I will help some guy get lucky tonight. I'm in the mood for some cock and I have plans within plans. I've shaved my pussy and now I'm fingering it. I'm feeling that tingle as my slick fingertip circles my clit. I stop. I know I look best when I'm cockhungry. I can walk into a room full of men and hear the gasps. I can see the stunned looks on their faces and as each one makes eye contact, when the stunned look leaves them, it is always replaced with desire to satisfy my hunger. Unless they're gay. And even then I can get a satisfying "I wish I was you" look from them.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust